摇摆于纪录片和真实电影之中retraces a journey from the end of summer to deepest winter, from East Germany, across Poland and the Baltics, to Moscow. It is a voyage Chantal Akerman wanted to make shortly after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, “before it was too late,” reconstructing her impressions in the manner of a documentary on the border of fiction. By filming “everything that touched me,” Akerman sifts through and fixes upon sounds and images as she follows the thread of this subjective crossing. Unfolding without dialogue or commentary, FROM THE EAST takes the form of a cinematic elegy.
第一个故事:渣男把自己爱人从海里召唤回来还不肯跟人家走 第二个故事;本来有“爱人”的渣男看上人家年轻小姑娘明知命不久矣还要拉人下水 第三个故事:异形渣男们不仅要吃人家女警身体相爱一天还要霸占子宫和孩子 小说家下笔如有神一晚上疯狂创作烂故事这件事本身就挺恐怖的